
Recently FAME have begun to trial a relationship with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists that sees us respond jointly to some of the calls for consultation that come from Westminster and the devolved assemblies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Where there are shared concerns, the Council for British Archaeology and the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers are also part of this arrangement. All four organisations recognise that while we each have a separate distinctive role to play there can be significant advantages in coming together on key issues to share resources and expertise, and combine our voices to present a united position to government. This builds on work to encourage cross sector sharing of information and that has been going on for a number of years in The Archaeology Forum which also includes organisations such as RESCUE, ICON and the Society of Antiquaries.

The most recent consultations FAME has been involved in include proposals for wide ranging planning reform in Scotland, and the Housing White paper. In both of these we have found common ground with our partners to push for strong and well-funded local authorities and object to proposals that might weaken heritage protection and sustainable development and so undermine the work of our members.