Historic England: Call for input on CPD courses
Please see the follow call for input from Historic England on training:
Historic England is inviting views from sector colleagues on the sort of training that you would like us to deliver. Our corporate plan demonstrates our commitment to developing the skills and knowledge of the heritage sector. Our Training Strategy provides further detail on the need for training, which is underpinned by unprecedented social and economic pressures that are impacting on the availability of key resources. As part of its work to address these issues, Historic England provides CPD training through three programme: Essentials, HELM and Heritage Practice.
The Heritage Practice programme aims to disseminate our staff’s expertise in practical, technical and specialist tools needed to protect heritage. This content goes beyond that which Historic England funds as part of the dissemination of government advice and policy, which means we have to recover any costs incurred by charging for delegate places. Because we have recently brought the delivery of the Heritage Practice programme in-house, we would like to find out more about the sector’s need for training.
Historic England is therefore conducting a programme of market research, through an online survey available at this link. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ZMZH8MJ The survey is mainly multiple choice and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. It is open until September 30th 2019.
At the end of the survey, you will be asked about your preferences for further information. If you choose to be contacted in future, we can add you our mailing list about our training offer and keep you updated about the findings of this research.
Finally, please do feel free to forward this to any interested colleagues and contacts. And apologies for any cross-posting – we have circulated the survey quite widely.
Thanks very much
Historic England Training Delivery Team