FAME briefing on bullying and harassment in UK archaeology
There have been several recent surveys on bullying and harassment in Archaeology which has shown that, while the sector is better than the NHS, we are worse than civil servants in terms of incidents in the last year. Of particular relevance to FAME members is the finding that these incidents are causing 29x more loss of staff time than RIDDOR injuries.
We have put together a brief highlighting the key findings of these recent surveys for you: FAME briefing on bullying and harassment in UK archaeology
However, sector wide statistics may not be helpful to individual organisations. Oxford Archaeology has recently run an internal staff survey to better understand issues of bullying and harassment. They found this experience helpful in understanding the nature of these issues and how they are affecting their staff. Oxford Archaeology has generously shared their template of that survey for FAME members to adopt as they see fit – questions around roles, offices, talking with union reps, etc. will likely need to be changed for each of you. They do ask to be appropriately credited if you do use the template – something in the survey blurb introduction, along the lines of ‘this survey has been produced using a similar example provided by Oxford Archaeology – we are grateful for their help’.
Such a survey will be of use to our larger members but we realise it may not work for all of you. If you need help further adopting it to a smaller organisation please do get in touch.