‘Almost every family living solely by its own means sooner or later discovers it has not the means to live’ (M Sahlins, Stone Age Economics)

Despite this observation, the notion that many Iron Age settlements were self-sufficient farmsteads remains pervasive in Britain. Chris Hayden, Matt Brudenell and Andy Greef will look at recent OA excavations in East Anglia, Essex and the Upper Thames Valley, and they will be joined by a panel of distinguished experts, chaired by Niall Sharples, to explore some of the ways in which Iron Age households and settlements were related to each other, and how social relationships beyond the household were constructed in the Iron Age. There will be the opportunity to submit questions to the panel during the seminar. For further details and to register, click here: https://oxfordarchaeology.com/research-publication/iron-age-research-seminar

The third OA Research Seminar will be held on Thursday 30th September from 4.30-6.30pm.

If you can not make it, then the recording of the seminar will be placed on the Oxford Archaeology YouTube channel and you can view it there- https://www.youtube.com/user/oxfordarchaeology