FAME Webinar 3: Handling Physical Archives in Your Project
We have just completed our third webinar. Here are the videos of the presentations, please share them with colleagues, on social media, etc. All videos are captioned so if you need to you can turn that on – lower right corner of the video on Youtube if viewing on desktop – button labeled CC.
An introduction to the museum context and archive creation and issues: the SMART standard; NPPF; Mendoza review; SMA collecting surveys. Gail Boyle (Bristol Museum)
Archaeological Archives: definitions; composition and the requirements of different elements; archive practice from project planning to deposition, including selection and local and national standards. Deborah Fox (Worcester Museum)
Curatorial practice: accessioning, collections care, accessibility. Kat Baxter (Leeds Museum)
Archive use: outreach, exhibition, education, research. Kate Iles (Bristol Museum)
Here are the links to the resources mentioned in the talks. Most can be found at this link –
The Rationalisation guidelines, both on the SMA website
http://socmusarch.org.uk/ projects/guidance-on-the- rationalisation-of-museum- archaeology-collections/
And Spectrum Standards:
https://collectionstrust.org. uk/spectrum/
In a few weeks the SMA will have a conference with several presentations on the topics we discussed during the webinar: http://socmusarch.org.uk/ conference/
As mentioned during the discussion there will be several presentations on the topics we discussed during the webinar.
Finally, we have added several more webinars in the last week and will continue to do so until the end of the year so please check those out and sign-up on our website https://famearchaeology.co.uk/ fame-2020-webinars/ .