FAME continues to attract new members and this month we are delighted to welcome the following organisations:

  • Heritage Business International: based in the US, but operating across Canada, Australia and in the UK HBI offer research and training services together with business consulting aimed at heritage organisations. If you want to improve your business performance, get in touch.
  • Archaeological Project Services: working mainly in the east of England, APS are the contracting arm of Heritage Lincolnshire and have been operating since 1993.
  • LP Archaeology: independent since 1999, LP are a worker co-ownership, operating out of London, Chester, Bury St Edmunds and Shrewsbury.
  • Orion Heritage: recently established, Orion provide heritage consulting and project management from offices in Brighton and Manchester.

FAME is only as strong as its membership. Join now and help us to better protect and promote the interests of managers, employers and the commercial archaeology and heritage sector. Contact CEO Nick Shepherd or Membership Secretary Frank Meddens.