The Archaeology Training Forum awards – Call for Nominations
The Archaeology Training Forum Award recognises and promotes best practice in training or professional development in archaeology. The award aims to recognise excellence in the fields of learning, training and professional development and is open to archaeological organisations, individuals, partnerships and collaborative projects throughout the United Kingdom, whether paid or voluntary. Entries must demonstrate an overall commitment to learning or training, and an innovative approach to best practice. In particular the judges will be looking for entries which:
- Have been designed to address skills training needs within the sector
- Demonstrate clear benefits that go beyond the organisation itself, for example a contribution to the historic environment sector, engage a community, increase knowledge and skills for individual employee, or enhance the experience of archaeology for volunteers. * If appropriate, relate to the National Occupational Standards
- Contribute to Continued Professional Development
- Demonstrate an innovative approach or involve the development of best practice
- Are run in accordance with recognised professional standards and ethics
- Entries might include:
- Development and successful implementation of innovative training plans
- Innovative ways of maximising limited training resources or of supporting professional development
- New ways of recognising and rewarding on the job learning
- Developing staff or volunteer skills
- Transfer of skills/succession planning
- Partnerships between employers and educators or between professional and amateur groups
The Award is judged by an ATF panel usually including representatives from the Council for British Archaeology, the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, FAME, the National Heritage Agencies, Higher Education, and from last year’s winning entry. The 2018 Award was presented to Historic England and CIfA at the CIfA Conference in Brighton on 25th April 2018, with Headland Archaeology being Highly Commended. You can find more information about previous winners at the ATF website at this link
The call for nominations for the 2019 Award is now open. The successful project(s) will be announced at the CIfA conference in Leeds, April 2019.