FAME advocates on behalf of its members to improve and support development-led archaeology in the UK and Ireland. An area of particular note that we have worked on recently has been archaeological archives.

Archaeological archives are frequently being held in temporary storage because too few museums or local authority stores have space, curators or requirement to accept them.
FAME undertook an extensive survey in 2012 of the problem for long-term storage of archives, and found there were 9000 homeless archives that had not been accepted by a museum or other repository, costing around £300,000 to store annually. The report can be downloaded here – FAME Report on Archaeological Archives.
FAME are working with our partners across the heritage sector to help solve the archives problem.
- With Historic England we are looking for long term solutions to archive capacity;
- With the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers we are discussing how to ensure archive issues are dealt with up-front during pre-planning application discussions, and how conditions can be better drafted to ensure deposition occurs;
- With the Society for Museum Archaeologists we are investigating how transfer of title can be simplified.
News and Updates on Archives

Case studies in the use of, and engagement with, archaeological collections

FAME consultation responses to depositing archaeological assemblages in Scotland

New Online Access to the Index of Investigations Workshops
Other Advocacy Work
Some of our other advocacy work:

Memorandum of Understanding between FAME and CIfA

FAME seeking views on: Shortage Occupation List – call for evidence 2023

Request from Historic England deadline 29th October