Business support
One of FAME’s primary goals is to ensure commercial sustainability in archaeology. To that end, FAME provide a range of business support services for its members such as webinars, or through our partner QUEST a helpline and document library. This covers information and guidance on employment law, human resource, health & safety, legal, tax and VAT.

Telephone advice
- Unlimited access to qualified specialists for HR, employment law, health & safety, legal, tax and VAT advice
- You don’t have to book a call, you just pick up the telephone and call us when you need help
With detailed guidance and over 700 downloadable documents. Access is via login to the Member Area.
- Guidance on legal requirements and best practice for HR, health and safety and legal/business
- Heath checks to help you audit your performance and identify where you need to improve
- Updates on the latest legislation that may affect your business
- Over 700 downloadable documents covering HR, health & safety and legal/business
In 2020, FAME ran a series of free webinars for the sector, the recordings can be view on the following links:
Webinar 1: Working with COVID restrictions in Archaeology.
Webinar 2: Collateral Warranties.
Webinar 3: Physical Archives.
An introduction to the museum context and archive creation and issues: the SMART standard; NPPF; Mendoza review; SMA collecting surveys. Gail Boyle (Bristol Museum)
Archaeological Archives: definitions; composition and the requirements of different elements; archive practice from project planning to deposition, including selection and local and national standards. Deborah Fox (Worcester Museum)
Curatorial practice: accessioning, collections care, accessibility. Kat Baxter (Leeds Museum)
Archive use: outreach, exhibition, education, research. Kate Iles (Bristol Museum)
Webinar 4: Archaeology, access and digital data: a workshop for managers.
Webinar 5: Managing Risk in Archaeology.
Webinar 6: Duty of Care When Providing Services.
Webinar 7: Upskill your heritage workforce in England. Apprenticeships – They’re not just for school leavers!
Webinar 8: Hiring non-UK Staff in Archaeology from 2021 onward
Webinar 9: Seeing Red – menstrual health and hygiene in the heritage workplace.
Webinar 10: The benefits of Consultant and Contractor collaboration
Webinar 11: Archaeology and pipeline safety
Webinar 12: An introduction to Rebuilding Heritage for FAME members (Not recorded)
Webinar 13: The provision of hygiene bins and disposal of contents on archaeology sites

Become a member and discover the benefits
- Represent your views within the profession and beyond
- Health and Safety updates – demonstrates your commitment to safe working practices to clients
- Unlimited access to qualified specialists for HR, employment law, health & safety, legal, tax and VAT advice